Welcome to SmokenArts.net

Learn more about what we do

Thank you for stopping by. Currently our site is under construction. We are an EMC/ETC of American produced Products, Goods, and services to underserved; emerging markets in Africa and India. As a subsidiary of a d&b registered entity we have the ability to leverage financial resources to accomplish our clients goals. Other areas of our activity include Enterprise Development Consultant firm that creates, develop, and markets business opportunities for Investors and Entrepreneurs of emerging international markets. If you'd like more info please email us. Thank you again for visiting and for your patience. If you are a small Minority owned business, Please join our email list to find out how our business can help you export your goods to global clients.

We lead where others follow
laptop on brown sofa

Welcome to our website

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Introduce your team

Do you work with an awesome team? Of course you want to introduce them to your visitors.

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Daw'ud Herman

Daw'ud a Retired veteran of the U.S. armed services possesses an education & background in Shipping/Rec'v Logistics and Supply Business Development, Sales, Marketing. With a "lead don't follow" personality Daw'ud is able to find economic opportunities in uncommon places.

Shella Earvin

Shella, a native of Benin comes from a well respected family with significant connections to local leaders. Her experience in the industries of Textile manufacturing, Products and Services related to Beauty, Arts, Entertainment, and Fashion industries; allows our team the ability to identify and capitalize on untapped resources, and business opportunities.


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